
Vitalianz R Soja inoculum approved to use in Organic Agriculture

Since 2017, Vitalianz R Soja is tested by our partner Terres Innovia on 3 productions areas : Charente-Maritime, Haute-Garonne et Côte-d'Or.

The trials are highly positive as Vitalianz R Soja shows more homogeneous results than the reference inoculum, with an average yield that reaches 32.4 qx/ha.

In addition to its G49 strain that persists without impacting native populations, Vitalianz R Soja contains 100 ml of additive that increases bacterial survival and facilitates installation and nodulation.

Our solution is now approved for on-farm soybean seed inoculation and organic soybean production. It appears on the list of organic inputs of Ecocert, category fertilizers and amendments.